SOLA3 joins with RBHA to request single use plastics ban in the city of Rehoboth Beach

On December 9, 2019, SOLA3 and the Rehoboth Beach Homeowners’ Association requested that the Mayor and Commissioners pass an ordinance that would:

  • Ban single-use plastic carryout bags used by retailers and restaurants in Rehoboth Beach.
  • Require that plastic straws be used “by request only.”
  • Ban polystyrene (Styrofoam) containers.

Read our letter to the Mayor and Commissioners here. We asked that the ban go into effect 3-6 months following the State ban on single use plastic bags (Jan. 2021). This will allow local businesses ample time to prepare.

More information and a list of other towns that have enacted single plastic bans can be found here and here.

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